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Before you decide who to vote for this November, ask your candidates if they support joining the nine major health care compacts we identify in our report. These compacts work to make it easier for more health professionals from outside the state to practice in New Mexico.
Check out our website (link in bio) to learn more about the compacts and to see how you can contact your candidates.
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Before you decide who to vote for this November, ask your candidates if they support joining the nine major health care compacts we identify in our report. These compacts work to make it easier for more health professionals from outside the state to practice in New Mexico. 
Check out our website (link in bio) to learn more about the compacts and to see how you can contact your candidates.

On November 5, every seat in the New Mexico legislature is up for election. As you make your decision about who you are going to support, we encourage you to ask your candidates questions about Think New Mexico's current major policy initiatives.

One question we encourage you to ask is: "would you support legislation to create a permanent trust fund for health care, which would support Medicaid costs and fund reforms to address the state's health care worker shortage?" to see where they stand on our issues.
You can do so here:
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On November 5, every seat in the New Mexico legislature is up for election. As you make your decision about who you are going to support, we encourage you to ask your candidates questions about Think New Mexicos current major policy initiatives. 

One question we encourage you to ask is: would you support legislation to create a permanent trust fund for health care, which would support Medicaid costs and fund reforms to address the states health care worker shortage? to see where they stand on our issues. 
You can do so here:
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